Traditional Fishing in Paternoster

Small-scale fisherman fishing with a net off the coast of Paternoster in the Western Cape. The traditional fishermen here live just has they always have, subsisting on snoek and crayfish caught by hand from their colourful wooden boats. Fisher wives collect mussels and veldkool and prepare dishes to old family recipes, sharing meals with neighbours. […]

Paternoster Waterfront

Creative and culinary hub: fine arts, theatre, restaurants, fishmonger, coffee shop,vintage toy shop.

Koelkamer Teater

Die Koelkamers Teater Paternoster is a unique theatre in the heart of the West Coast of South Africa. Our space is dedicated to providing a platform for creatives of all kinds, with a focus on performing arts, fine arts, photography, book launches and live music. We believe that art is a powerful tool for bringing […]

Cape Columbine Nature Reserve

Cape Columbine Nature Reserve is on the West Coast near the fishing village, Paternoster. It is the furthest westerly destination in the Western Cape. The reserve covers an area of 263ha along the rocky stretch of coastline. This area was declared a nature reserve in December 1973. This reserve boasts the last manually controlled lighthouse to […]